I’m the owner of On The Ball and I’m passionate about getting you time back by scaling your business sustainably.

You came looking for me so let me tell you how I can help. I will listen to you, figure out your pain points, then I will immediately take things off your plate. My goal is to save you time, which ultimately means you get time back in your day to do the things you started your business to do in the first place.

Hi! I’m Amanda.

You started your business because you wanted to do the actual things you love doing. I started my business because I wanted to do the things you hate doing.

I love spreadsheets, organization, and all things administrative. I am a quick learner, fast problem-solver and a wiz at spreadsheets. I love to laugh. And I love helping people get organized, in a way that works for them. I believe that providing exceptional customer service is key when working with anyone.

It is important to me that you feel supported and encouraged, while we work together to change your business, and as a result, change your life.

I love doing what I love - helping people get organized with systems - so they can get back to doing more of what they love.